After I look over the website named ePals, I feel quite impressed about this social learning network. It makes the world smaller and closer by building a global community in this platform. It contains many functions that not only can make teachers exchange their lesson plans and materials but also make students have chances to realize how other people feel or experience in other countries or millions miles away. Teachers can find the projects that are related to their lesson and ask students to prepare. After they do the research, students may present on the website by uploading their project or combine all the experiences they've got to present in the class.
In addition, I found out there is a pretty interesting work named eFilms. Basically, ePals will provide a film that showing different theme and topic per month by their partner SnagLearning. And I've seen the video for this month "why Do White People Have Black Spots?" I think it inspired me to think more about this kind of culture difference and the curious of the stereotype. I am wondering if I use it in my future teaching, will my students get chance to think more and deeply? Even though there is a question mark in my mind, I still want to try this method to put my students to obtain more variety information from different area and realize why other people think in other ways. Making them to learn respects and knowledge in the same time!
I wasn't aware of eFilms. Thanks for mentioning it. I will definitely check that out.