I had just read the blog from Bilingual Fun (Maestra Jen). She used to be a Spanish teacher, but now she chose to stay at home and takes care of her children. The article I read is the experience that she share how her daughter learn bilingually from her and school and how she taught her daughter to think and talk in both English and Spanish. It is quite excited when I looked at her blog. I always think that children have some amazing learning ability and I wish I can teach not only my children but also my students bilingually when they are young. In their childhood, learning should be naturally, purely and correctly. And that means if they can learn the words from the daily life, it will be very helpful and pressure less. Unless not like me, when I started to learn English, and I need to carry a heavy grammar book to school every day. In addition, Ms. Jen taught me that children reader should be familiar with their first language than to start with second. It surprised me actually because I used to think that children can learn and read the words for both languages at the same time, like the way they learn how to speak bilingually. It reminds me that if I am going to teach the children who speak bilingually, I need to notice this issue carefully. Otherwise, children may get confused easily. In the end of the article, Ms. Jen invited her daughter to read a book that contains both Spanish and English. I have to say that she has a really cute daughter and she did a great job! I am thankful that Ms. Jen can share her own experience with videos and let me learn a lot.
The link of the article:
The link of the picture: http://blog.hattoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/bilingualediu-225x300.jpg
I enjoyed your post and thoughts on learning to read in L1 before L2. I'm interested in that topic and will have to look for some research on it. Actually, I don't know it it would apply to languages with such different writing systems as Chinese and English.